Sunday, 15 December 2024

The Tracks Of Danny & The Juniors


←research ·  artist
22 albums
22 singles
5 compilations
1 other appearance 
2024-10-18 ·  Beth Montana ·  12 tracks ·  28:33
12:17School Boy Romance         
23:15Twistin' All Night Long    
32:07Some Kind of Nut              
42:28Pony Express              
62:07Do the Mashed Potatoes 
71:58Doin' the Continental Walk 
82:11Cha Cha Go Go (Chicago Cha Cha)
102:03Back to the Hop
112:08The Charleston Fish       
122:22Twistin' USA 
available in all 185 countries
2024-06-20 ·  Essential Classics ·  20 tracks ·  49:11
12:33At the Hop            
22:28Rock and Roll is Here to Stay               
32:08Back To The Hop                   
42:27A Thousand Miles Away                  
52:23Now and Then      
62:32Pony Express              
82:13Do the Mashed Potatoes       
92:09Playing Hard to Get          
103:19Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon     
12:31Rock'n'roll is Here to Stay   
22:32Twistin' Usa           
32:43Tallahassee Lassie     
42:22Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
52:49Oh Holy Night        
62:17Cha Cha Go Go          
72:52In the Meantime          
92:13Your Hair's Too Long      
102:14Some Kind of Nut              
available in 184 countries (not US)
2024-05-25 ·  We Go Home Records
12:38At The Hop            
2024-05-17 ·  SPS ·  2 tracks ·  5:03
12:47Oh Holy Night        
22:16Candy Cane, Sugary Plum
available in 184 countries (not US)
2024-05-03 ·  Burn Rubber Recordings ·  18 tracks ·  44:56
12:13Do the Mashed Potatoes       
22:44Just Because             
32:04Doin' the Continental Walk          
42:18Cha Cha Go Go          
52:54Pony Express   
62:50Oh Holy Night        
72:23Candy Cane Sugary Plume
82:24Let's Stomp Again 
92:10Back to the Hop                   
102:13Your Hair's Too Long      
112:14Some Kind of Nut              
122:32At the Hop            
132:29Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
152:43Tallahassee Lassie     
162:26Twistin England
182:29A Thousand Miles Away                  
available in 184 countries (not US)
2023-06-06 ·  MnJ Music ·  34 tracks ·  82:16
12:33At the Hop            
22:31Rock'n'roll Is Here to Stay   
32:13Do the Mashed Potatoes       
42:22Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
52:11The Charleston Fish       
62:27Crazy Cave        
72:18Do You Love Me      
82:37I Feel so Lonely     
92:40Just Because             
102:23Now and Then      
112:09Playing Hard to Get          
122:32Somehow I Can't Forget        
152:47A Thief       
162:29A Thousand Miles Away                  
172:03Back to the Hop
182:18Cha Cha Go Go          
192:11Sassy Fran          
202:14Some Kind of Nut              
212:43Tallahassee Lassie     
242:49In the Meantime          
252:22Mister Whisper       
262:13Your Hair's Too Long      
272:20Of Love       
282:49Oh Holy Night        
302:32Twistin' USA           
312:03Doin' the Continental Walk          
322:14When the Saints Go Twistin' In   
332:32Pony Express              
342:22School Boy Romance         
available in 184 countries (not US)
2023-03-17 ·  HHO ·  19 tracks ·  45:03
22:29At The Hop          
32:12Candy Cane, Sugary Plum
42:09Cha Cha Go Go
52:23Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay 
62:43O Holy Night 
72:22A Thousand Miles Away                  
81:57Doin' The Continental Walk 
92:35Tallahassee Lassie 
102:17Twistin' England 
112:04Your Hair's Too Long     
132:06Some Kind Of Nut
142:46Pony Express
152:23Twistin' Usa 
162:06Do The Mashed Potatoes 
172:16Let's Stomp Again
182:04Back To The Hop                   
192:39Just Because             
available in 182 countries
2022-12-15 ·  Cleopatra Records
available in all 185 countries
2022-09-23 ·  Kenzo Records ·  32 tracks ·  77:57
12:28Crazy Cave        
22:33Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
33:23Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon     
42:27Twistin' USA           
62:44Just Because             
72:23School Boy Romance         
82:12Sassy Fran          
92:38I Feel so Lonely     
102:50In the Meantime          
112:22Of Love       
122:48A Thief       
132:12The Charleston Fish       
162:33At the Hop            
172:19Do You Love Me      
182:21Now and Then      
202:28A Thousand Miles Away                  
212:17Cha Cha Go Go          
222:33Somehow I Can't Forget        
232:30Pony Express              
242:01Doin' the Continental Walk          
252:15Some Kind of Nut              
272:18We Got Soul     
282:11Your Hair's Too Long     
292:22Mister Whisper       
302:08Back to the Hop                   
312:10Playing Hard to Get          
322:14Do the Mashed Potatoes       
available in 184 countries (not US)
2022-08-05 ·  Beach View Records ·  32 tracks ·  78:02
12:33At the Hop            
22:33Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
32:38I Feel so Lonely     
42:28A Thousand Miles Away                  
52:23School Boy Romance         
72:50In the Meantime          
92:48A Thief       
102:12Sassy Fran          
112:22Of Love       
122:30Pony Express              
132:41Sometimes When I'm All Alone
142:21Now and Then      
152:19Do You Love Me      
162:12The Charleston Fish       
182:28Crazy Cave        
192:10Playing Hard to Get          
202:32Twistin' USA           
213:23Twistin' All Night
222:33Somehow I Can't Forget        
232:14(Do the) Mashed Potatoes
242:22Mister Whisper       
252:11Your Hair's Too Long     
262:08Back to the Hop                   
272:17Cha Cha Go Go          
282:18We Got Soul     
292:44Just Because             
302:15Some Kind of Nut              
312:01Doin' the Continental Walk          
available in 180 countries
2022-07-08 ·  Agnes V ·  12 tracks ·  29:47
12:12Sassy Fran          
32:29At the Hop          
43:19Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon     
62:28Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
72:52In the Meantime          
82:19Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
92:27A Thousand Miles Away                  
102:29Pony Express              
112:46Oh Holy Night        
122:08Back to the Hop                   
available in all 185 countries
2021-10-22 ·  GRR Music ·  35 tracks ·  84:08
12:30At the Hop          
22:27Rock N Roll Is Here to Stay
32:25Twistin' U.S.A.  
42:43Sometimes (When I'm All Alone)  
62:25A Thousand Miles Away                  
72:07Back to the Hop                   
82:19School Boy Romance         
92:14Candy Cane, Sugary Plum
102:23Now and Then      
112:28Pony Express              
122:11Sassy Fran          
132:12Cha Cha Go Go (Chicago Cha-Cha)
142:28Crazy Cave        
152:00Doin' the Continental Walk          
162:37I Feel so Lonely     
172:32Somehow I Can't Forget        
182:05Playing Hard to Get          
192:51In the Meantime          
202:09Some Kind of Nut              
212:10The Charleston Fish       
222:09(Do The) Mashed Potatoes
232:19We Got Soul     
242:23Mister Whisper       
262:48A Thief       
272:43Oh, Holy Night
292:18Do You Love Me      
312:08Your Hair's Too Long     
323:18Twistin' All Night Long    
332:18Twistin' England 
342:18Of Love       
352:42Just Because             
available in 184 countries (not US)
2021-03-19 ·  Mentirosa ·  15 tracks ·  36:23
13:19Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon     
22:13Some Kind of Nut              
32:00Doin' the Continental Walk          
42:12Do the Mashed Potatoes       
62:43Just Because             
72:10Your Hair Is Too Long
82:38Tallahassee Lassie 
92:11When the Saints Go Twistin' In   
102:19Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
112:12Charleston Fish
122:21Mister Whisper       
142:15Cha Cha Go Go          
152:08Back to the Hop                   
available in all 185 countries
2020-11-05 ·  Night Train ·  15 tracks ·  36:34
12:28Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
22:19School Boy Romance         
32:52In the Meantime          
52:28Crazy Cave        
62:12Sassy Fran          
72:39I Feel so Lonely     
82:33Somehow I Can't Forget        
92:07Playing Hard to Get          
102:27Twistin' USA           
112:27A Thousand Miles Away                  
122:46Oh Holy Night        
132:29Pony Express              
142:29At the Hop          
2020-10-28 ·  CTS Digital ·  10 tracks ·  23:33
12:30At the Hop          
22:31Rock and Roll Is Here To Stay               
32:30Twistin' U.S.A.  
52:29Pony Express              
63:19Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon     
71:59Doin' the Continental Walk          
92:06Back to the Hop                   
102:18Do You Love Me      
available in 184 countries (not US)
2020-07-25 ·  CTS Digital ·  29 tracks ·  70:18
12:48A Thief       
22:24A Thousand Miles Away                  
32:30At the Hop          
42:06Back To the Hop                   
52:12Cha Cha Go Go (Chicago Cha-Cha)
62:29Crazy Cave        
82:09(Do the) Mashed Potatoes
92:18Do You Love Me      
101:59Doin' the Continental Walk          
132:41I Feel So Lonely  
142:51In the Meantime          
152:24Mister Whisper       
162:23Now and Then      
172:18Of Love       
192:08Playing Hard to Get          
202:29Pony Express              
212:31Rock and Roll Is Here To Stay               
222:11Sassy Fran          
232:19School Boy Romance         
242:32Somehow I Can't Forget        
252:40Sometimes (When I'm All Alone)  
262:12The Charleston Fish       
273:19Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon     
282:30Twistin' U.S.A.  
292:19We Got Soul     
available in 184 countries (not US)
2020-06-29 ·  EXCESS MUSIC ·  19 tracks ·  45:03
12:17Twistin' England 
22:29At The Hop          
32:46Pony Express
42:16Let's Stomp Again
52:23Twistin' Usa 
62:35Tallahassee Lassie 
72:22A Thousand Miles Away                  
82:04Your Hair's Too Long     
102:06Some Kind Of Nut
122:43O Holy Night 
132:12Candy Cane Sugary Plum
142:04Back To The Hop                   
152:09Cha Cha Go Go
162:23Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay 
171:57Doin' The Continental Walk 
182:06Do The Mashed Potatoes 
192:39Just Because             
available in 182 countries
2019-07-09 ·  Turntable Recordings LTD ·  19 tracks ·  47:27
12:29Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
22:32At the Hop            
32:26Twistin England
42:54Pony Express   
52:24Let's Stomp Again 
62:43Tallahassee Lassie     
72:44Just Because             
82:13Your Hair's Too Long      
92:14Some Kind of Nut              
102:18Cha Cha Go Go          
112:04Doin' the Continental Walk          
122:32Twistin' USA           
132:13Do the Mashed Potatoes       
152:29A Thousand Miles Away                  
172:23Candy Cane Sugary Plume
182:50Oh Holy Night        
192:08Back to the Hop                   
available in 184 countries (not US)
2019-07-09 ·  Turntable Recordings LTD ·  5 tracks ·  11:57
12:33At the Hop            
22:25A Thousand Miles Away                  
32:29Rock'n Roll Is Here to Stay
42:22Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
52:08Back to the Hop                   
available in 184 countries (not US)
2018-07-10 ·  AT THE HOP ·  2 tracks ·  4:58
available in 181 countries
2017-09-22 ·  AP Digital ·  38 tracks ·  95:00
12:33At the Hop            
22:18Cha Cha Go Go          
32:32Pony Express              
42:00Doin' the Continental Walk          
52:31Rock'n'Roll Is Here to Stay   
62:43Tallahassee Lassie     
73:15Twistin' All Night Long    
82:10Back to the Hop                   
92:11The Charleston Fish       
102:26Twist England
122:13Do the Mashed Potatoes       
152:36I Feel so Lonely     
162:32Twistin' USA           
172:21School Boy Romance         
182:49In the Meantime          
192:20Of Love       
202:14Some Kind of Nut              
212:44Just Because             
222:22Mister Whisper       
232:23Now and Then      
242:49Oh Holy Night        
252:09Playing Hard to Get          
262:10Sassy Fran          
272:32Somehow I Can't Forget        
282:46A Thief       
292:29A Thousand Miles Away                  
302:14When the Saints Go Twistin' In   
322:13Your Hair's Too Long      
332:15Oo La La Limbo
342:18Do You Love Me      
352:26Crazy Cave        
362:18We Got Soul     
374:43The Twist / Mother's Club Twist
382:22Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
available in 184 countries (not US)
2015-07-21 ·  Rapier Music ·  6 tracks ·  15:23
12:23A Thousand Miles Away                  
22:29Pony Express              
33:15Twistin' All Night Long    
42:34Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay               
52:33At The Hope
62:08Back to the Hop                   
available in 184 countries (not US)
2014-12-17 ·  K&T Music ·  33 tracks ·  77:28
12:28At the Hop - Original Mix
22:05Back to the Hop - Original Mix
32:41Sometimes - Original Mix
42:08The Charleston Fish - Original Mix
52:40Just Because - Original Mix
62:25Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay - Original Mix
72:17School Boy Romance - Original Mix
82:06Your Hair's Too Long - Original Mix
91:33Dottie - Original Mix
102:49In the Meantime - Original Mix
112:07Some Kind of Nut - Original Mix
122:46A Thief - Original Mix
131:58Doin' the Continental Walk - Original Mix
142:07(Do The) Mashed Potatoes - Original Mix
152:25Crazy Cave - Original Mix
162:09Sassy Fran - Original Mix
172:17We Got Soul - Original Mix
182:52Funny - Original Mix
192:35I Feel so Lonely - Original Mix
202:16Do You Love Me - Original Mix
212:14Oo-La-La-Limbo - Original Mix
222:22Now and Then - Original Mix
232:30Somehow I Can't Forget - Original Mix
242:03Playing Hard to Get - Original Mix
252:16Of Love - Original Mix
262:23Twistin' U.S.A - Original Mix
272:23A Thousand Miles Away - Original Mix
282:12Candy Cane, Sugary Plum - Original Mix
292:43Oh Holy Night - Original Mix
302:26Pony Express - Original Mix
312:42Daydreamer - Original Mix
322:10Cha Cha Go Go - Original Mix
332:21Mister Whisper - Original Mix
2013-12-13 ·  JB Production
available in 181 countries
2013-11-13 ·  JB Production
12:28Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
available in 181 countries
2013-10-29 ·  JB Production
12:41Just Because             
available in 181 countries
2013-05-16 ·  Black Sheep Music
2013-01-03 ·  Classic Records ·  21 tracks ·  54:27
12:28A Thousand Miles Away                  
22:19Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
33:52Together You and I
42:54Pony Express   
52:24Let's Stomp Again 
62:03Doin' the Continental Walk          
72:32Twistin' USA           
82:43Tallahassee Lassie     
92:39I Feel so Lonely     
112:07Playing Hard to Get          
122:13Your Hair's Too Long      
132:14Some Kind of Nut              
142:13When the Saints Go Twistin' In   
154:59Medley: The Twist / Mother's Club
162:12Sassy Fran          
172:15Cathedral Bells
182:30Twistin' Germany
192:26Twistin' Italy
202:12Back to the Hop                   
212:13Do the Mashed Potatoes       
available in 183 countries
2012-12-10 ·  AP Music ·  21 tracks ·  56:17
12:33At the Hop            
22:26Twist England
32:13Do the Mashed Potatoes       
42:31Rock 'n' Roll Is Here to Stay
52:14When the Saints Go Twistin' In   
62:03Doin' the Continental Walk          
72:08Back to the Hop                   
82:43Tallahassee Lassie     
92:54Pony Express   
102:44Just Because             
114:08Twistin' All Night
122:49Oh Holy Night        
132:18Cha Cha Go Go          
152:29A Thousand Miles Away                  
172:14Some Kind of Nut              
182:26Twistin' USA           
192:13Your Hair's Too Long      
204:59Medley: The Twist / Mother's Club Twist
212:22Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
available in 184 countries (not US)
2012-11-11 ·  Carter Lane - OMiP ·  5 tracks ·  12:38
12:31At the Hop          
22:31Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
32:38Let the Good Times Roll
42:49My Foolish Heart
52:10Back to the Hop                   
2012-10-15 ·  Dance Plant Records Inc ·  4 tracks ·  10:14
12:34Rock & Roll Is Here to Stay               
22:37At the Hop            
32:38My Foolish Heart
42:26Let the Good Times Roll
available in all 185 countries
2012-04-27 ·  JB Production
12:30At the Hop          
available in 181 countries
2012-02-24 ·  Sound and Vision ·  2 tracks ·  5:04
available in 181 countries
2011-11-08 ·  Ap Music Ltd ·  14 tracks ·  35:36
12:33At the Hop            
22:31Rock'n'roll Is Here to Stay   
32:32Twistin' Usa           
42:29A Thousand Miles Away                  
52:49Oh Holy Night        
62:22Candy Cane Sugary Plum       
72:54Pony Express   
82:13Your Hair's Too Long      
102:14Some Kind of Nut              
122:18Cha Cha Go Go          
132:44Just Because             
142:08Back to the Hop                   
available in 184 countries (not US)
2008-10-21 ·  Burning Fire ·  32 tracks ·  77:47
12:30At The Hop          
22:08Back To The Hop                   
32:15Cha Cha Go Go          
42:12The Charleston Fish       
52:29Crazy Cave        
72:11Do The Mashed Potato
82:19Do You Love Me      
92:01Doing The Continental Walk
122:46I Feel So Lonely  
132:51In The Meantime          
142:43Just Because             
152:33Let's Go Skiing
162:24Mister Whisper       
172:18Of Love       
182:08Playing Hard To Get          
192:30Pony Express              
202:30Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay               
212:13Sad Girl
222:12Sassy Fran          
232:19School Boy Romance         
242:12Some Kind Of Nut              
252:32Somehow I Can't Forget        
262:42Sometimes (When I'm All Alone)  
272:49A Thief       
282:24A Thousand Miles Away                  
293:13Twistin' All Night Long    
302:29Twistin' U.s.a.  
312:21We Got Soul     
322:08Your Hair's Too Long     
2008-07-14 ·  Music Company OMP ·  4 tracks ·  10:48
available in 182 countries
2001-07-01 ·  Nova ·  15 tracks ·  48:12
13:29Mary Had A Little Lamb
24:19Let's All Sing A Nursery Rhyme
32:54Zip A Dee Doo Dah
42:30Pony Express              
52:43Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
63:48Little Skididdle
72:27Twistin' USA           
83:56Hand Jive
102:36At The Hop            
112:51Here Comes Fonzi
124:30At The Fair
132:32Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay               
143:28Over The Rainbow
153:13The Rock Keeps Rollin'
available in 182 countries
1983-01-01 ·  Geffen ·  14 tracks ·  33:51
12:30Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay               
32:18School Boy Romance         
42:07Playing Hard To Get          
52:29Crazy Cave        
62:31At The Hop          
72:51In The Meantime          
82:11Sassy Fran          
92:41I Feel So Lonely  
102:32Somehow I Can't Forget        
112:48A Thief       
122:18Of Love       
132:41Sometimes (When I'm Alone)
142:18Do You Love Me?
available in 184 countries (not PR)
1965-03-06 ·  Swan Records ·  2 tracks ·  4:57
12:28Twistin' USA           
22:29Pony Express              
available in all 185 countries
1962-06-01 ·  Swan Records ·  2 tracks ·  5:37
13:23Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon     
22:14Some Kind of Nut              
available in all 185 countries
1959-01-01 ·  Daxa production ·  2 tracks ·  5:01
12:30At the Hop          
22:31Rock'n'roll Is Here to Stay   
1957-03-31 ·  Universal Digital Enterprises ·  37 tracks ·  90:27
12:36At the Hop            
22:32Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay               
32:08Back to the Hop                   
42:24A Thousand Miles Away                  
52:23Now and Then      
62:12Sassy Fran          
72:21We Got Soul     
82:08Your Hair's Too Long     
102:43Just Because             
112:08Playing Hard to Get          
122:12The Charleston Fish       
133:13Twistin' All Night Long    
142:30Pony Express              
152:19School Boy Romance         
162:49A Thief       
182:12Some Kind of Nut              
192:32Somehow I Can't Forget        
202:51In the Meantime          
212:13Sad Girl
222:29Twistin' Usa           
232:01Doing the Continental Walk
242:18Of Love       
252:46I Feel So Lonely  
262:11Do the Mashed Potato
272:44O Holy Night 
282:29Crazy Cave        
302:19Do You Love Me?
312:24Mister Whisper       
322:20Candy Cane, Sugary Plum
332:33Let's Go Skiing
342:15Cha Cha Go Go          
352:42Sometimes (When I'm All Alone)  
362:32At the Hop (Alternate Take)
372:32Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay (Alternate Take)
available in 184 countries (not US)
2172024-10-182:11Cha Cha Go Go (Chicago Cha Cha)
2162023-06-062:03Back to the Hop 
2152022-08-052:14(Do the) Mashed Potatoes
2142022-08-053:23Twistin' All Night
2132022-04-084:50At The Hop - Extended (Remastered)
2122021-10-222:43Oh, Holy Night
2112021-10-222:14Candy Cane, Sugary Plum 
2102021-10-222:27Rock N Roll Is Here to Stay
2092021-09-022:39Just Because - Danny & The Juniors Just Because
2082021-09-022:04Back To The Hop - Danny & The Juniors Back To The Hop
2072021-09-022:06Do The Mashed Potatoes - Danny & The Juniors Do The Mashed Potatoes
2062021-09-022:22A Thousand Miles Away - Danny & The Juniors A Thousand Miles Away
2052021-09-022:06Some Kind Of Nut - Danny & The Juniors Some Kind Of Nut
2042021-09-022:29At The Hop - Danny & The Juniors At The Hop
2032021-09-022:35Tallahassee Lassie - Danny & The Juniors Tallahassee Lassie
2022021-09-022:46Pony Express - Danny & The Juniors Pony Express
2012021-09-022:41Daydreamer - Danny & The Juniors Daydreamer
2002021-09-022:23Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay - Danny & The Juniors Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay
1992021-09-022:09Cha Cha Go Go - Danny & The Juniors Cha Cha Go Go
1982021-09-022:17Twistin' England - Danny & The Juniors Twistin' England
1972021-09-022:16Let's Stomp Again - Danny & The Juniors Let's Stomp Again
1962021-09-022:50Funny - Danny & The Juniors Funny
1952021-09-021:57Doin' The Continental Walk - Danny & The Juniors Doin' The Continental Walk
1942021-09-022:23Twistin' Usa - Danny & The Juniors Twistin' Usa
1932021-09-022:43O Holy Night - Danny & The Juniors O Holy Night
1922021-09-022:04Your Hair's Too Long - Danny & The Juniors Your Hair's Too Long
1912021-09-022:12Candy Cane, Sugary Plum - Danny & The Juniors Candy Cane, Sugary Plum
1902021-03-192:12Charleston Fish
1892021-03-192:10Your Hair Is Too Long
1872020-07-252:09(Do the) Mashed Potatoes 
1862020-07-252:12Cha Cha Go Go (Chicago Cha-Cha) 
1852020-06-292:06Do The Mashed Potatoes  
1842020-06-291:57Doin' The Continental Walk  
1832020-06-292:09Cha Cha Go Go 
1822020-06-292:12Candy Cane Sugary Plum
1802020-06-292:06Some Kind Of Nut 
1782020-06-292:35Tallahassee Lassie  
1772020-06-292:23Twistin' Usa  
1762020-06-292:16Let's Stomp Again 
1752020-06-292:46Pony Express 
1742020-06-292:17Twistin' England  
1732020-05-292:16Oo-La-La-Limbo - Remastered
1722020-05-292:54Funny - Remastered
1712020-05-292:19We Got Soul - Remastered
1702020-05-292:09(Do the) Mashed Potatoes - Remastered
1692020-05-292:00Doin' the Continental Walk - Remastered
1682020-05-292:09Some Kind of Nut - Remastered
1672020-05-293:18Twistin' All Night Long - Remastered +Freddy Cannon
1662020-05-292:08Your Hair's Too Long - Remastered
1652020-05-292:42Just Because - Remastered
1642020-05-292:10The Charleston Fish - Remastered
1632020-05-292:23Mister Whisper - Remastered
1622020-05-292:12Cha Cha Go Go (Chicago Cha-Cha) - Remastered
1612020-05-292:28Pony Express - Remastered
1602020-05-292:44Daydreamer - Remastered
1592020-05-292:25Twistin' U.S.A. - Remastered
1582020-05-292:18Of Love - Remastered
1572020-05-292:05Playing Hard to Get - Remastered
1562020-05-292:32Somehow I Can't Forget - Remastered
1552020-05-292:18Do You Love Me? - Remastered
1542020-05-292:37I Feel so Lonely - Remastered
1532020-05-292:11Sassy Fran - Remastered
1522020-05-292:28Crazy Cave - Remastered
1512020-05-292:48A Thief - Remastered
1502020-05-292:51In the Meantime - Remastered
1492020-05-291:35Dottie - Remastered
1482020-05-292:19School Boy Romance - Remastered
1472020-05-292:43Sometimes (When I'm All Alone) - Remastered
1462020-05-292:23Now and Then - Remastered
1452020-05-292:07Back to the Hop - Remastered
1442020-05-292:25A Thousand Miles Away - Remastered
1432020-05-292:27Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay - Remastered
1422020-05-292:30At the Hop - Remastered
1412019-07-092:23Candy Cane Sugary Plume 
1402019-07-092:26Twistin England 
1392019-07-092:29Rock'n Roll Is Here to Stay
1382018-07-102:34Now and Then
1362017-09-224:43The Twist / Mother's Club Twist
1352017-09-222:15Oo La La Limbo
1342015-07-212:33At The Hope
1332014-12-172:21Mister Whisper - Original Mix
1322014-12-172:10Cha Cha Go Go - Original Mix
1312014-12-172:42Daydreamer - Original Mix
1302014-12-172:26Pony Express - Original Mix
1292014-12-172:43Oh Holy Night - Original Mix
1282014-12-172:12Candy Cane, Sugary Plum - Original Mix
1272014-12-172:23A Thousand Miles Away - Original Mix
1262014-12-172:23Twistin' U.S.A - Original Mix
1252014-12-172:16Of Love - Original Mix
1242014-12-172:03Playing Hard to Get - Original Mix
1232014-12-172:30Somehow I Can't Forget - Original Mix
1222014-12-172:22Now and Then - Original Mix
1212014-12-172:14Oo-La-La-Limbo - Original Mix
1202014-12-172:16Do You Love Me - Original Mix
1192014-12-172:35I Feel so Lonely - Original Mix
1182014-12-172:52Funny - Original Mix
1172014-12-172:17We Got Soul - Original Mix
1162014-12-172:09Sassy Fran - Original Mix
1152014-12-172:25Crazy Cave - Original Mix
1142014-12-172:07(Do The) Mashed Potatoes - Original Mix
1132014-12-171:58Doin' the Continental Walk - Original Mix
1122014-12-172:46A Thief - Original Mix
1112014-12-172:07Some Kind of Nut - Original Mix
1102014-12-172:49In the Meantime - Original Mix
1092014-12-171:33Dottie - Original Mix
1082014-12-172:06Your Hair's Too Long - Original Mix
1072014-12-172:17School Boy Romance - Original Mix
1062014-12-172:25Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay - Original Mix
1052014-12-172:40Just Because - Original Mix
1042014-12-172:08The Charleston Fish - Original Mix
1032014-12-172:41Sometimes - Original Mix
1022014-12-172:05Back to the Hop - Original Mix
1012014-12-172:28At the Hop - Original Mix
1002013-12-132:38Sometimes When I'm All Alone 
992013-05-162:25Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay  
982013-01-032:26Twistin' Italy
972013-01-032:30Twistin' Germany
962013-01-032:15Cathedral Bells
952013-01-034:59Medley: The Twist / Mother's Club
942013-01-032:39I Feel so Lonely      
932013-01-032:24Let's Stomp Again  
922013-01-033:52Together You and I
912012-12-104:59Medley: The Twist / Mother's Club Twist
902012-12-104:08Twistin' All Night
892012-12-102:43Tallahassee Lassie      
882012-12-102:03Doin' the Continental Walk           
872012-12-102:14When the Saints Go Twistin' In    
862012-12-102:31Rock 'n' Roll Is Here to Stay
852012-12-102:13Do the Mashed Potatoes        
842012-12-102:26Twist England 
832012-02-242:38My Foolish Heart 
822012-02-242:26Let the Good Times Roll 
812011-11-082:13Your Hair's Too Long       
802011-11-082:54Pony Express    
792011-11-082:22Candy Cane Sugary Plum        
782011-11-082:49Oh Holy Night         
772011-02-162:40Baseball's Four Aces (feat. Joe Terry)
762011-02-144:22I Believe / Climb Every Mountain Medley
752011-02-142:44Did You Boogie (With Your Baby)
742011-02-143:44Al Gorgoni
722011-02-144:16My Way
712011-02-144:28Whisper to the Wind
682011-02-144:27Lonely Since I Lost You
672011-02-143:40House on Fire
662011-02-143:58Do You Tell Her That You Love Her
652008-10-212:29Twistin' U.s.a.   
642008-10-212:19Do You Love Me       
632008-07-212:32Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay (Rerecorded)
622008-07-212:36At the Hop (Rerecorded)
612008-07-142:39Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay
602008-07-142:43At The Hop 
592008-07-142:49My Foolish Heart 
582008-07-142:38Let The Good Times Roll 
572001-07-013:13The Rock Keeps Rollin' 
562001-07-013:28Over The Rainbow
552001-07-014:30At The Fair
542001-07-012:51Here Comes Fonzi
522001-07-013:56Hand Jive
512001-07-013:48Little Skididdle
502001-07-012:43Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
492001-07-012:54Zip A Dee Doo Dah
482001-07-014:19Let's All Sing A Nursery Rhyme
472001-07-013:29Mary Had A Little Lamb
4619862:13Twistin' USA - Live
4519862:32Sometimes When I'm All Alone - Live
4419862:32Rock & Roll is Here to Stay - Live
4319861:56Pony Express - Live
4219863:04At the Top - Live
411983-01-012:41Sometimes (When I'm Alone)
401962-06-013:23Twistin' All Night Long +Freddy Cannon      
391959-01-012:31Rock'n'roll Is Here to Stay    
381959-01-012:30At the Hop           
371957-03-312:32Rock and Roll Is Here to Stay (Alternate Take)
361957-03-312:32At the Hop (Alternate Take)
351957-03-312:42Sometimes (When I'm All Alone)   
341957-03-312:15Cha Cha Go Go           
331957-03-312:33Let's Go Skiing 
321957-03-312:20Candy Cane, Sugary Plum 
311957-03-312:24Mister Whisper        
301957-03-312:19Do You Love Me? 
281957-03-312:29Crazy Cave         
271957-03-312:44O Holy Night  
261957-03-312:11Do the Mashed Potato 
251957-03-312:46I Feel So Lonely   
241957-03-312:18Of Love        
231957-03-312:01Doing the Continental Walk 
221957-03-312:29Twistin' Usa            
211957-03-312:13Sad Girl 
201957-03-312:51In the Meantime           
191957-03-312:32Somehow I Can't Forget         
181957-03-312:12Some Kind of Nut               
161957-03-312:49A Thief        
151957-03-312:19School Boy Romance          
141957-03-312:30Pony Express               
131957-03-313:13Twistin' All Night Long     
121957-03-312:12The Charleston Fish        
111957-03-312:08Playing Hard to Get           
101957-03-312:43Just Because              
81957-03-312:08Your Hair's Too Long      
71957-03-312:21We Got Soul      
61957-03-312:12Sassy Fran           
51957-03-312:23Now and Then       
41957-03-312:24A Thousand Miles Away                   
31957-03-312:08Back to the Hop                    
21957-03-312:32Rock & Roll Is Here to Stay                
11957-03-312:36At the Hop             
show track URIs
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