Sunday, 15 December 2024

The Tracks Of Charlie Gracie


←research ·  artist
24 albums
9 singles
5 compilations
12 other appearances 
2024-03-08 ·  RSK Entertainment ·  30 tracks ·  66:18
12:33Boogie Woogie Blues   
22:23I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter     
32:54All Over Town  
42:26Rockin' And Rollin
52:32T'aint No Sin In Rhythm
62:17Say What You Mean   
72:21My Baby Loves Me      
82:16Head Home Honey  
92:49Wilwood Boogie
102:16Honey Honey   
112:04Frankie And Johnny 
132:19Ninety Nine Ways      
151:59Just Lookin 
162:13I Love You So Much It Hurts           
172:28Wanderin Eyes  
181:39Cool Baby                 
191:56You Got A Heart Like A Rock          
221:00Ninety Nine Ways
232:18Wanderin Eyes
242:21Cool Baby 
252:25Rock The Joint 
262:02Tutti Frutti +Charlie Gracie With Don Lang & The Frantic Five 
272:25I Love You So Much It Hurts +Don LangThe Frantic Five 
281:31Guitar Boogie +Charlie Gracie With Don Lang & The Frantic Five 
292:12Fabulous +Don LangThe Frantic Five 
302:26Cool Baby 
available in 183 countries
2024-02-29 ·  Funkadelphia Records ·  4 tracks ·  11:44
available in all 185 countries
available in 184 countries (not US)
2023-03-17 ·  Reminisce Music ·  19 tracks ·  41:50
12:23Wanderin' Eyes           
22:06Love Bird          
42:15I'm So Glad It's You   
72:17Yea, Yea (I'm In Love With You) 
81:55Just Lookin'          
92:39I Love You So Much It Hurts
102:06Snuggle Up Baby    
122:05The Race   
152:14Ninety-Nine Ways       
161:51You Got A Heart Like A Rock          
171:35Cool Baby                 
182:23Crazy Girl             
192:15Dressin' Up      
available in 182 countries
2023-01-27 ·  Moonhoney Records ·  33 tracks ·  78:20
12:34I See the Moon (Remastered 2014)
22:34Look at That Girl (Remastered 2014)
32:52Finger of Suspicion (Remastered 2014)
42:45Vaya Con Dios (Remastered 2014)
52:22Twenty Tiny Fingers (Remastered 2014)
62:58The Tender Trap (Remastered 2014)
72:22Sugarbush (Remastered 2014)
82:24My Truly Truly Fair (Remastered 2014)
92:27Make It Soon (Remastered 2014)
102:48I Love, Love, Love It (Remastered 2014)
112:26Crazy Otto Rag (Remastered 2014)
122:19Butterfly (Remastered 2014)
132:1399 Ways (Remastered 2014)
142:15Fabulous (Remastered 2014)
151:56Just Lookin' (Remastered 2014)
162:10I Love You so Much It Hurts (Remastered 2014)
172:25Wanderin' Eyes (Remastered 2014)
181:51(You Got) A Heart Like a Rock [Remastered 2014]
191:36Cool Baby (Remastered 2014)
202:24Crazy Girl (Remastered 2014)
212:15Dressin' Up (Remastered 2014)
222:07Love Bird (Remastered 2014)
232:40Trying (Remastered 2014)
242:43Look for Me (I'll Be Waiting for You) [Remastered 2014]
252:13Where Do We Go from Here (Remastered 2014)
262:22Dem Low Down Blues (Remastered 2014)
272:19Cause I'm a Dreamer (Remastered 2014)
282:07Tennessee Houn' Dog Yodel (Remastered 2014)
292:40What Am I Supposed to Do (Remastered 2014)
302:48Why Did You Have to Go and Leave Me (Remastered 2014)
312:23(Sometimes) I Feel Like Leaving Town [Remastered 2014]
322:06Tea Bag Romeo (Remastered 2014)
331:55So You Think You've Got Troubles (Remastered 2014)
available in 184 countries (not US)
2022-07-20 ·  Moonhoney Records ·  24 tracks ·  54:04
22:1399 Ways
41:56Just Lookin'          
52:10I Love You so Much It Hurts           
62:25Wanderin' Eyes           
71:51(You Got) A Heart Like a Rock
81:36Cool Baby                 
92:24Crazy Girl             
102:15Dressin' Up      
112:07Love Bird          
132:06Boston (My Home Town)
142:14Kansas City
152:23Sweet Georgia Brown
162:33Way Down Yonder in New Orleans
172:40St. Louis Blues
192:19Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy
201:45Deep in the Heart of Texas
212:06California, Here I Come
232:37Carolina in the Morning
242:42Tallahassee Lassie
available in 184 countries (not US)
2021-09-09 ·  Sam Sam Music ·  3 tracks ·  8:19
available in all 185 countries
2021-02-19 ·  Rabbit Musik ·  19 tracks ·  43:30
12:33Hurry up Buttercup
22:21Angel of Love
32:20My Baby Loves Me      
62:13Love You so Much it Hurts
71:56Heart Like a Rock
82:10Love Bird          
92:49Wildwood Boogie    
102:19Ninety Nine Ways      
112:15Honey Honey
122:16Head Home Honey  
131:58Just Lookin'          
142:28Wanderin' Eyes           
151:57Doodle Bug
161:39Cool Baby                 
172:19Dressin' Up      
192:27Crazy Girl             
available in 184 countries (not US)
2020-10-05 ·  MnJ Music ·  14 tracks ·  32:14
31:39Cool Baby                 
42:33Boogie Woogie Blues   
52:26Sorry for You 
62:16Honey Honey   
72:23I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter     
82:49Wildwood Boogie    
92:21My Baby Loves Me      
102:19Ninety Nine Ways      
112:08The Race   
132:13I Looked for You 
142:28Wandering Eyes 
available in 184 countries (not US)
2020-07-22 ·  Philly Archives
available in all 185 countries
2020-05-22 ·  Master Tape Records ·  50 tracks ·  109:27
12:12Fabulous - Live-Remastered
21:11Butterfly - Remastered
32:06The Race (Studio) - Remastered
41:00Ninety Nine Ways - Remastered
52:09I Looked for You (Studio) - Remastered
62:18Cool Baby - Remastered
72:23Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter - Remastered
82:03I'm a Fool That's Why (Studio) - Remastered
92:32Boogie Boogie Blues (Studio) - Remastered
102:02Oh Well a (Studio) - Remastered
111:59Because I Love You (Studio) - Remastered
122:26Rockin' and Rollin' (Studio) - Remastered
132:54All over Town (Studio) - Remastered
142:33T' Ain't No Sin in Rhythm (Studio) - Remastered
152:17Say What You Mean (Studio) - Remastered
162:23Sorry for You (Studio) - Remastered
172:16Head Home Honey (Studio) - Remastered
181:52Scenery (Studio) - Remastered
192:21My Baby Loves Me (Studio) - Remastered
202:14W-Wow (Studio) - Remastered
212:14Makin' Whoopee (Studio) - Remastered
222:49Wild Wood Boogie (Studio) - Remastered
232:15Honey Honey (Studio) - Remastered
242:02Night and Day Usa (Studio) - Remastered
252:00Pretty Baby (Studio) - Remastered
12:24Just Like Us (Studio) - Remastered
22:09Count to Three (Studio) - Remastered
31:58Just Lookin' (Studio) - Remastered
42:25Rock the Joint - Live-Remastered
52:13Love You so Much It Hurts (Studio) - Remastered
62:03Tutti Frutti - Live-Remastered
72:24I Love You so Much It Hurts - Live-Remastered
82:28Wanderin' Eyes (Studio) - Remastered
91:31Guitar Boogie - Live-Remastered
101:56Heart Like a Rock (Studio) - Remastered
112:27Crazy Girl (Studio) - Remastered
122:19Dressin' up (Studio) - Remastered
132:03Frankie and Johnny (Studio) - Remastered
142:11Love Bird (Studio) - Remastered
151:21Plaything (Studio) - Remastered
162:45Tryin' (Studio) - Remastered
171:57Doodle Bug (Studio) - Remastered
182:33Hurry up Buttercup (Studio) - Remastered
192:19Wanderin' Eyes - Remastered
202:21Angel of Love (Studio) - Remastered
211:39Cool Baby (Studio) - Remastered
222:19Fabulous (Studio) - Remastered
232:25Butterfly (Studio) - Remastered
242:19Ninety Nine Ways (Studio) - Remastered
252:27Cool Baby - Live-Remastered
available in 184 countries (not US)
2020-05-08 ·  ACROBAT ·  42 tracks ·  93:45
12:31Boogie Woogie Blues   
22:22I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter     
32:53All Over Town  
42:25Rockin' an' Rollin
52:31T'Ain't No Sin In Rhythm 
62:15Say What You Mean   
72:19My Baby Loves Me      
82:14Head Home, Honey! +Charlie Gracie And The Wildcats
92:47Wildwood Boogie    
102:15Honey! Honey!
122:18Ninety-Nine Ways       
131:57Just Lookin'          
152:11I Love You So Much It Hurts           
162:26Wanderin' Eyes           
171:38Cool Baby                 
181:54You've Got A Heart Like A Rock
192:26Crazy Girl             
202:17Dressin' Up      
212:07Love Bird          
22:32Hurry Up Buttercup
42:23Angel Of Love
52:02I'm A Fool, That's Why
71:57Because I Love You So
82:08I Look For You
92:04The Race   
102:22Sorry For You 
132:13Makin' Whoopee
141:59Pretty Baby
152:01Night And Day U.S.A.
162:24Rock The Joint 
172:01Tutti Frutti +Charlie Gracie With Don Lang & The Frantic Five 
182:23I Love You So Much It Hurts +Don LangThe Frantic Five 
191:29Guitar Boogie +Charlie Gracie With Don Lang & The Frantic Five 
202:11Fabulous +Don LangThe Frantic Five 
212:23Cool Baby  
2020-04-29 ·  EXCESS MUSIC ·  18 tracks ·  39:11
22:14Ninety-Nine Ways       
41:55Just Lookin'          
62:23Wanderin' Eyes           
71:35Cool Baby                 
81:51You Got A Heart Like A Rock          
92:05The Race   
102:17Yea, Yea (I'm In Love With You) 
112:06Snuggle Up Baby    
132:23Crazy Girl             
142:15Dressin' Up      
162:06Love Bird          
182:15I'm So Glad It's You   
available in 182 countries
2019-07-16 ·  M&J Music ·  10 tracks ·  23:51
11:41Cool Baby                 
22:30Wandering Eyes 
42:21Ninety Nine Ways      
62:18Honey Honey   
72:51Wildwood Boogie
82:23My Baby Loves Me      
92:25I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter     
102:33Boogie Woogie Blues   
available in 183 countries
2019-07-14 ·  P.E.R Music ·  24 tracks ·  54:50
12:26Rockin' An' Rollin'
22:17Say What You Mean   
32:33Boogie Woogie Baby
42:21My Baby Loves Me      
52:16Honey! Honey!
62:16Head Home, Honey
72:23I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter     
92:28Wanderin' Eyes           
102:13I Love You so Much It Hurts           
112:33T'ain't No Sin in Rhythm 
121:56You Got a Heart Like a Rock          
142:49Wildwood Boogie    
161:39Cool Baby                 
171:59Just Lookin'          
182:54All over Town  
192:19Ninety-Nine Ways       
202:04Frankie and Johnny 
212:25Rock the Joint (Live)
222:02Tutti Frutti (Live)
231:31Holy Smoke (Live)
242:25I Love You so Much It Hurts (Live)
available in 184 countries (not US)
2019-07-09 ·  Turntable Recordings LTD ·  15 tracks ·  33:55
12:27Wanderin Eyes  
22:18Ninety Nine Ways      
62:10Snuggle up Baby    
81:39Cool Baby                 
92:27Crazy Girl             
101:56You Got a Heart Like a Rock          
112:11Love Bird          
122:18Dressin Up   
132:16I'm so Glad It's You   
151:57Just Lookin '
available in 184 countries (not US)
2018-10-17 ·  SIN ALLEY ·  2 tracks ·  4:26
available in 181 countries
2018-10-05 ·  Generic Records
available in all 185 countries
2018-05-23 ·  Cotton Town ·  32 tracks ·  71:39
12:17Honey Honey   
21:54(You Got) A Heart Like a Rock
42:16Head Home Honey  
51:39Cool Baby                 
62:26Ninety Nine Ways
72:14I Love You so Much it Hurts           
81:59Just Lookin'          
92:49Wildwood Boogie    
102:28Wandering Eyes 
122:21My Baby Loves Me      
132:27Crazy Girl             
142:22Cool Baby - Alternate Take No. 5
152:18I'm so Glad it's You - Previously Unreleased
162:04Frankie and Johnnie
172:19Wandering Eyes - Alternate Take No. 13
182:33Boogie Woogie Blues   
192:27Rockin' and Rollin'
212:18Dressing Up
222:33Ain't No Sin in Rhythm
232:55All Over Town  
242:18Say What You Mean   
252:23I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter     
262:02Tutti Frutti - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
272:25I Love You so Much it Hurts - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
281:31Guitar Boogie - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
292:13Fabulous - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
302:25Rock the Joint - Live on the 'Paul Whiteman' T.V. Show
311:11Butterfly - Original Unreleased Demo
320:58Ninety Nine Ways - Original Unreleased Demo
2015-05-11 ·  Jasmine Records ·  50 tracks ·  110:19
12:23Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter - Studio
22:32Boogie Boogie Blues - Studio
32:26Rockin' and Rollin' - Studio
42:54All over Town - Studio
52:32T' Ain't No Sin in Rhythm - Studio
62:17Say What You Mean - Studio
72:16Head Home Honey - Studio
82:20My Baby Loves Me - Studio
92:49Wild Wood Boogie - Studio
102:15Honey Honey - Studio
112:25Butterfly - Studio
122:19Ninety Nine Ways - Studio
132:19Fabulous - Studio
141:58Just Lookin' - Studio
152:13Love You so Much It Hurts - Studio
162:28Wanderin' Eyes - Studio
171:56Heart Like a Rock - Studio
181:39Cool Baby - Studio
192:27Crazy Girl - Studio
202:19Dressin' Up - Studio
212:10Love Bird - Studio
222:45Tryin' - Studio
231:57Doodle Bug - Studio
242:33Hurry up Buttercup - Studio
252:21Angel of Love - Studio
262:03I'm a Fool That's Why - Studio
272:02Oh Well A - Studio
281:59Because I Love You - Studio
292:09I Looked for You - Studio
302:06The Race - Studio
312:23Sorry for You - Studio
321:52Scenery - Studio
332:14W: Wow - Studio
342:13Makin' Whoopee - Studio
352:02Night and Day USA - Studio
362:00Pretty Baby - Studio
372:24Just Like Us - Studio
382:09Count to Three - Studio
392:25Rock the Joint - Live
402:03Tutti Frutti - Live
412:24I Love You so Much It Hurts - Live
421:31Guitar Boogie - Live
432:12Fabulous - Live
442:27Cool Baby - Live
452:03Frankie and Johnny - Studio
462:16Plaything - Studio
471:11Butterfly - Demo
481:00Ninety Nine Ways - Demo
492:19Wanderin' Eyes - Alt Version
502:18Cool Baby - Alt Version
2011-11-01 ·  Generic Records
available in all 185 countries
2011-06-06 ·  River Records ·  10 tracks ·  21:58
22:18Ninety Nine Ways      
41:57Just Lookin 
52:27Wanderin Eyes  
62:12I Love You So Much It Hurts           
71:39Cool Baby                 
81:56You Got A Heart Like A Rock          
92:27Crazy Girl             
102:18Dressin Up   
available in 184 countries (not US)
2011-05-09 ·  The Dave Cash Collection - OMP ·  18 tracks ·  40:01
21:09Butterfly (Original Demo)
32:33Boogie Woogie Baby
41:39Cool Baby                 
52:27Crazy Girl             
62:16Dressin Up   
82:01Frankie & Johnny 
92:16Head Home Honey  
102:17Honey Hush
112:24I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter     
122:26Rockin' An' Rollin'
132:49Wildwood Boogie    
141:56You Got A Heart Like A Rock          
152:32T'ain't No Sin In Rhythm 
162:17Say What You Mean   
172:21My Baby Loves Me      
181:57Just Lookin'          
available in 181 countries
2011-04-26 ·  Tilly Tunes Ltd ·  12 tracks ·  27:19
32:29Wanderin' Eyes           
42:20Ninety Nine Ways      
51:41Cool Baby                 
62:29Crazy Girl             
71:58You Got a Heart Like a Rock          
82:13Love Bird          
92:20Dressin Up   
102:18Im So Glad It's You
121:57Just Lookin'          
2010-06-30 ·  Play Digital ·  6 tracks ·  13:43
12:31Wanderin' Eyes           
32:15I Love You So Much It Hurts           
52:19Ninety-Nine Ways       
61:56Just Lookin’
2010-06-14 ·  Sam Sam Music ·  20 tracks ·  45:26
22:27I Got A Woman
31:58Gotta Travel On
42:42A Heart Like A Rock
51:48Just Because
62:14My Babe
71:57Wandering Eyes
82:08Rock The Joint
92:15Movin' Down The Country
101:54Dressing Up
111:51Just Lookin'
123:03Nickel And A Dime
132:09Cool Baby
143:01Crazy Girl
152:05Hey Good Lookin'
172:32I Fell Apart
182:13My Girl Josephine
192:06You're Sixteen
202:15Two Guitar Rag (instr.)
available in 182 countries
2009-11-23 ·  Play Digital ·  4 tracks ·  9:28
12:31Wanderin' Eyes           
42:13I Love You So Much It Hurts           
2009 ·  Play Digital ·  14 tracks ·  32:18
21:58Just Lookin’
41:40Cool Baby                 
52:31Wanderin' Eyes           
62:11Love Bird          
72:19Ninety-Nine Ways       
82:19Dressin’ Up
101:56You Got - A Heart Like A Rock
112:15I Love You So Much It Hurts           
122:28Crazy Girl             
132:20Honey Honey   
142:55Wildwood Boogie
2008-12-23 ·  Burning Fire ·  20 tracks ·  42:49
12:06Baby You've Changed 
41:39Cool Baby                 
52:27Crazy Girl             
62:18Dressin' Up      
82:16I'm So Glad It's You   
92:12I Love You So Much It Hurts           
101:57Just Lookin'          
112:11Love Bird          
122:18Ninety-Nine Ways       
131:01Ninety-Nine Ways
152:10Snuggle Up Baby    
182:27Wanderin' Eyes           
192:21Yea, Yea (I'm In Love With You) 
201:56You Got A Heart Like A Rock          
2007-01-09 ·  River Records ·  12 tracks ·  26:54
22:18Ninety Nine Ways      
41:57Just Lookin 
52:27Wanderin Eyes  
62:12I Love You So Much It Hurts           
71:39Cool Baby                 
81:56You Got a Heart Like a Rock          
92:27Crazy Girl             
102:18Dressin Up   
112:11Love Bird          
available in 184 countries (not US)
2006-01-01 ·  ABKCO Music and Records, Inc. ·  20 tracks ·  42:07
22:17Ninety-Nine Ways       
41:56Just Lookin'          
62:25Wanderin' Eyes           
72:10I Love You So Much It Hurts           
81:37Cool Baby                 
91:53You Got A Heart Like A Rock          
102:04Baby You've Changed 
112:18Yea Yea (I'm In Love With You)
122:09Snuggle Up Baby    
142:25Crazy Girl             
152:16Dressin' Up      
162:07Love Bird          
181:09Butterfly - Demo Version
190:58Ninety-Nine Ways - Demo Version
202:16I'm So Glad It's You   
available in 184 countries (not PR)
1953-06-28 ·  Universal Digital Enterprises ·  16 tracks ·  35:24
21:57Just Lookin'          
42:27Wanderin' Eyes           
51:56You Got a Heart Like a Rock          
62:18Dressin' Up      
82:27Crazy Girl             
92:10Snuggle up Baby    
102:18Ninety-Nine Ways       
122:12I Love You so Much It Hurts           
132:11Love Bird          
142:13I Looked for You 
151:39Cool Baby                 
162:06Baby You've Changed 
available in 184 countries (not US)
3422024-03-082:18Wanderin Eyes
3412024-03-081:00Ninety Nine Ways
3402024-03-082:49Wilwood Boogie
3392024-03-082:32T'aint No Sin In Rhythm
3382024-03-082:26Rockin' And Rollin
3372024-02-292:41Girl In My Life
3362024-02-293:13Guess I'll Never - mono 45 version
3342024-02-292:53Walk With Me Girl
3332024-02-162:25Wanderin' Eyes - Remastered 2014
3322024-02-162:10I Love You so Much It Hurts - Remastered 2014
3312024-02-161:56Just Lookin' - Remastered 2014
3302024-02-162:15Fabulous - Remastered 2014
3292024-02-162:1399 Ways - Remastered 2014
3282024-02-162:19Butterfly - Remastered 2014
3272024-02-162:40Trying - Remastered 2014
3262024-02-162:07Love Bird - Remastered 2014
3252024-02-162:15Dressin' Up - Remastered 2014
3242024-02-162:24Crazy Girl - Remastered 2014
3232024-02-161:36Cool Baby - Remastered 2014
3222024-02-161:51(You Got) A Heart Like a Rock - Remastered 2014
3212023-04-141:51(You Got) AHeart Like a Rock [Remastered 2014]
3202023-03-172:39I Love You So Much It Hurts
3192023-01-271:55So You Think You've Got Troubles (Remastered 2014)
3182023-01-272:06Tea Bag Romeo (Remastered 2014)
3172023-01-272:23(Sometimes) I Feel Like Leaving Town [Remastered 2014]
3162023-01-272:48Why Did You Have to Go and Leave Me (Remastered 2014)
3152023-01-272:40What Am I Supposed to Do (Remastered 2014)
3142023-01-272:07Tennessee Houn' Dog Yodel (Remastered 2014)
3132023-01-272:19Cause I'm a Dreamer (Remastered 2014)
3122023-01-272:22Dem Low Down Blues (Remastered 2014)
3112023-01-272:13Where Do We Go from Here (Remastered 2014)
3102023-01-272:43Look for Me (I'll Be Waiting for You) [Remastered 2014]
3092023-01-272:40Trying (Remastered 2014)
3082023-01-272:07Love Bird (Remastered 2014)
3072023-01-272:15Dressin' Up (Remastered 2014) 
3062023-01-272:24Crazy Girl (Remastered 2014) 
3052023-01-271:36Cool Baby (Remastered 2014) 
3042023-01-271:51(You Got) A Heart Like a Rock [Remastered 2014]
3032023-01-272:25Wanderin' Eyes (Remastered 2014) 
3022023-01-272:10I Love You so Much It Hurts (Remastered 2014) 
3012023-01-271:56Just Lookin' (Remastered 2014) 
3002023-01-272:15Fabulous (Remastered 2014) 
2992023-01-272:1399 Ways (Remastered 2014) 
2982023-01-272:19Butterfly (Remastered 2014) 
2972023-01-272:26Crazy Otto Rag (Remastered 2014)
2962023-01-272:48I Love, Love, Love It (Remastered 2014)
2952023-01-272:27Make It Soon (Remastered 2014)
2942023-01-272:24My Truly Truly Fair (Remastered 2014)
2932023-01-272:22Sugarbush (Remastered 2014)
2922023-01-272:58The Tender Trap (Remastered 2014)
2912023-01-272:22Twenty Tiny Fingers (Remastered 2014)
2902023-01-272:45Vaya Con Dios (Remastered 2014)
2892023-01-272:52Finger of Suspicion (Remastered 2014)
2882023-01-272:34Look at That Girl (Remastered 2014)
2872023-01-272:34I See the Moon (Remastered 2014)
2862022-07-202:42Tallahassee Lassie
2852022-07-202:37Carolina in the Morning
2832022-07-202:06California, Here I Come
2822022-07-201:45Deep in the Heart of Texas
2812022-07-202:19Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy
2792022-07-202:40St. Louis Blues
2782022-07-202:33Way Down Yonder in New Orleans
2772022-07-202:23Sweet Georgia Brown
2762022-07-202:14Kansas City
2752022-07-202:06Boston (My Home Town)
2742022-07-202:1399 Ways
2732021-09-092:30Instrumental Journey
2722021-09-093:05Boogie Woogie Blues +Phil Friendly
2712021-09-092:44I'm Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter
2702021-05-142:09Count to Three
2692021-05-142:24Just Like Us
2682021-05-142:02Oh Well
2672021-05-142:03I'm a Fool That's Why
2662021-05-141:59Because I Love You
2652021-05-142:02Night and Day USA
2642021-02-191:57Doodle Bug
2632021-02-192:15Honey Honey
2622021-02-191:56Heart Like a Rock
2612021-02-192:13Love You so Much it Hurts
2602020-07-223:04Guess I'll Never
2592020-05-222:27Cool Baby - Live-Remastered
2582020-05-222:19Ninety Nine Ways (Studio) - Remastered
2572020-05-222:25Butterfly (Studio) - Remastered
2562020-05-222:19Fabulous (Studio) - Remastered
2552020-05-221:39Cool Baby (Studio) - Remastered
2542020-05-222:21Angel of Love (Studio) - Remastered
2532020-05-222:19Wanderin' Eyes - Remastered
2522020-05-222:33Hurry up Buttercup (Studio) - Remastered
2512020-05-221:57Doodle Bug (Studio) - Remastered
2502020-05-222:45Tryin' (Studio) - Remastered
2492020-05-221:21Plaything (Studio) - Remastered
2482020-05-222:11Love Bird (Studio) - Remastered
2472020-05-222:03Frankie and Johnny (Studio) - Remastered
2462020-05-222:19Dressin' up (Studio) - Remastered
2452020-05-222:27Crazy Girl (Studio) - Remastered
2442020-05-221:56Heart Like a Rock (Studio) - Remastered
2432020-05-221:31Guitar Boogie - Live-Remastered
2422020-05-222:28Wanderin' Eyes (Studio) - Remastered
2412020-05-222:24I Love You so Much It Hurts - Live-Remastered
2402020-05-222:03Tutti Frutti - Live-Remastered
2392020-05-222:13Love You so Much It Hurts (Studio) - Remastered
2382020-05-222:25Rock the Joint - Live-Remastered
2372020-05-221:58Just Lookin' (Studio) - Remastered
2362020-05-222:09Count to Three (Studio) - Remastered
2352020-05-222:24Just Like Us (Studio) - Remastered
2342020-05-222:00Pretty Baby (Studio) - Remastered
2332020-05-222:02Night and Day Usa (Studio) - Remastered
2322020-05-222:15Honey Honey (Studio) - Remastered
2312020-05-222:49Wild Wood Boogie (Studio) - Remastered
2302020-05-222:14Makin' Whoopee (Studio) - Remastered
2292020-05-222:14W-Wow (Studio) - Remastered
2282020-05-222:21My Baby Loves Me (Studio) - Remastered
2272020-05-221:52Scenery (Studio) - Remastered
2262020-05-222:16Head Home Honey (Studio) - Remastered
2252020-05-222:23Sorry for You (Studio) - Remastered
2242020-05-222:17Say What You Mean (Studio) - Remastered
2232020-05-222:33T' Ain't No Sin in Rhythm (Studio) - Remastered
2222020-05-222:54All over Town (Studio) - Remastered
2212020-05-222:26Rockin' and Rollin' (Studio) - Remastered
2202020-05-221:59Because I Love You (Studio) - Remastered
2192020-05-222:02Oh Well a (Studio) - Remastered
2182020-05-222:32Boogie Boogie Blues (Studio) - Remastered
2172020-05-222:03I'm a Fool That's Why (Studio) - Remastered
2162020-05-222:23Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter - Remastered
2152020-05-222:18Cool Baby - Remastered
2142020-05-222:09I Looked for You (Studio) - Remastered
2132020-05-221:00Ninety Nine Ways - Remastered
2122020-05-222:06The Race (Studio) - Remastered
2112020-05-221:11Butterfly - Remastered
2102020-05-222:12Fabulous - Live-Remastered
2092020-05-082:23Cool Baby   
2082020-05-082:11Fabulous +Don LangThe Frantic Five  
2072020-05-081:29Guitar Boogie +Charlie Gracie With Don Lang & The Frantic Five  
2062020-05-082:23I Love You So Much It Hurts +Don LangThe Frantic Five  
2052020-05-082:01Tutti Frutti +Charlie Gracie With Don Lang & The Frantic Five  
2042020-05-082:24Rock The Joint  
2032020-05-082:01Night And Day U.S.A.
2022020-05-081:59Pretty Baby 
2012020-05-082:13Makin' Whoopee 
1992020-05-082:22Sorry For You  
1982020-05-082:08I Look For You
1972020-05-081:57Because I Love You So
1952020-05-082:02I'm A Fool, That's Why
1942020-05-082:23Angel Of Love 
1922020-05-082:32Hurry Up Buttercup 
1912020-05-081:54You've Got A Heart Like A Rock
1902020-05-082:14Head Home, Honey! +Charlie Gracie And The Wildcats
1892020-05-082:25Rockin' an' Rollin
1872020-04-292:05The Race    
1862019-07-142:25I Love You so Much It Hurts (Live)
1852019-07-141:31Holy Smoke (Live)
1842019-07-142:02Tutti Frutti (Live)
1832019-07-142:25Rock the Joint (Live)
1822019-07-142:16Head Home, Honey
1812019-07-142:16Honey! Honey! 
1802019-07-091:57Just Lookin '
1792018-10-172:08Guitar Boogie
1772018-10-052:33Can't Stop Rock'n
1762018-05-230:58Ninety Nine Ways - Original Unreleased Demo
1752018-05-231:11Butterfly - Original Unreleased Demo
1742018-05-232:25Rock the Joint - Live on the 'Paul Whiteman' T.V. Show
1732018-05-232:13Fabulous - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
1722018-05-231:31Guitar Boogie - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
1712018-05-232:25I Love You so Much it Hurts - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
1702018-05-232:02Tutti Frutti - Live on the "6.5 Special" T.V. Special, London
1692018-05-232:55All Over Town   
1682018-05-232:33Ain't No Sin in Rhythm
1672018-05-232:18Dressing Up
1652018-05-232:27Rockin' and Rollin'
1642018-05-232:33Boogie Woogie Blues    
1632018-05-232:19Wandering Eyes - Alternate Take No. 13
1622018-05-232:04Frankie and Johnnie
1612018-05-232:18I'm so Glad it's You - Previously Unreleased
1602018-05-232:22Cool Baby - Alternate Take No. 5
1592018-05-232:28Wandering Eyes  
1582018-05-232:26Ninety Nine Ways
1572018-05-231:54(You Got) A Heart Like a Rock 
1562016-08-191:48Just Hangin' Around - Alternate Take 7
1552016-08-192:19Turn on the Heat
1542016-08-192:22Taking a Trip to a Dreamland
1532016-08-191:52Rock-a-Beatin Boogie
1522016-08-192:37Please Don't Leave Me
1512016-08-192:42Oh Babe
1502016-08-193:35Love What You Do
1492016-08-192:02Just Hangin' Around
1482016-08-192:53High Heel Sneakers
1472016-08-192:10You Can't Take It with You
1462016-08-192:35Hey Watcha Gonna Do
1452016-08-192:45Head Home Honey
1442016-08-192:09When I Was a Young Man
1432016-08-192:20Baby I Got You
1422016-08-191:43Party Doll
1412016-08-192:06Sentimental Journey
1402016-08-192:11Mary Ann
1382016-08-192:05Jamaica Farewell
1372016-08-192:15It All Depends on You
1362016-08-191:51Dance with a Dolly
1352016-08-191:49My Blue Heaven
1342016-08-192:33A Big Bouquet of Roses
1322016-08-191:53Pennsylvania 6-5-0-0-0
1312016-08-192:50Georgia on My Mind
1302016-08-192:44Flat Foot Floosy
1292016-08-192:27A White Sport Coat
1282015-05-112:18Cool Baby - Alt Version
1272015-05-112:19Wanderin' Eyes - Alt Version
1262015-05-111:00Ninety Nine Ways - Demo
1252015-05-111:11Butterfly - Demo
1242015-05-112:16Plaything - Studio
1232015-05-112:03Frankie and Johnny - Studio
1222015-05-112:27Cool Baby - Live
1212015-05-112:12Fabulous - Live
1202015-05-111:31Guitar Boogie - Live
1192015-05-112:24I Love You so Much It Hurts - Live
1182015-05-112:03Tutti Frutti - Live
1172015-05-112:25Rock the Joint - Live
1162015-05-112:09Count to Three - Studio
1152015-05-112:24Just Like Us - Studio
1142015-05-112:00Pretty Baby - Studio
1132015-05-112:02Night and Day USA - Studio
1122015-05-112:13Makin' Whoopee - Studio
1112015-05-112:14W: Wow - Studio
1102015-05-111:52Scenery - Studio
1092015-05-112:23Sorry for You - Studio
1082015-05-112:06The Race - Studio
1072015-05-112:09I Looked for You - Studio
1062015-05-111:59Because I Love You - Studio
1052015-05-112:02Oh Well A - Studio
1042015-05-112:03I'm a Fool That's Why - Studio
1032015-05-112:21Angel of Love - Studio
1022015-05-112:33Hurry up Buttercup - Studio
1012015-05-111:57Doodle Bug - Studio
1002015-05-112:45Tryin' - Studio
992015-05-112:10Love Bird - Studio
982015-05-112:19Dressin' Up - Studio
972015-05-112:27Crazy Girl - Studio
962015-05-111:39Cool Baby - Studio
952015-05-111:56Heart Like a Rock - Studio
942015-05-112:28Wanderin' Eyes - Studio
932015-05-112:13Love You so Much It Hurts - Studio
922015-05-111:58Just Lookin' - Studio
912015-05-112:19Fabulous - Studio
902015-05-112:19Ninety Nine Ways - Studio
892015-05-112:25Butterfly - Studio
882015-05-112:15Honey Honey - Studio
872015-05-112:49Wild Wood Boogie - Studio
862015-05-112:20My Baby Loves Me - Studio
852015-05-112:16Head Home Honey - Studio
842015-05-112:17Say What You Mean - Studio
832015-05-112:32T' Ain't No Sin in Rhythm - Studio
822015-05-112:54All over Town - Studio
812015-05-112:26Rockin' and Rollin' - Studio
802015-05-112:32Boogie Boogie Blues - Studio
792015-05-112:23Gonna Sit Right Down and Write Myself a Letter - Studio
782011-11-013:05Baby Doll
772011-05-092:21My Baby Loves Me       
762011-05-092:17Say What You Mean    
752011-05-092:32T'ain't No Sin In Rhythm  
742011-05-092:49Wildwood Boogie     
732011-05-092:26Rockin' An' Rollin' 
722011-05-092:24I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Write Myself A Letter      
712011-05-092:17Honey Hush
702011-05-092:16Head Home Honey   
692011-05-092:01Frankie & Johnny  
682011-05-092:33Boogie Woogie Baby 
672011-05-091:09Butterfly (Original Demo)
662011-04-262:18Im So Glad It's You
652011-01-012:27Rock 'N' Roll Party
642011-01-012:21Rock 'N' Roll Heaven
632011-01-013:14Everybody Rockin' (Knockin' Themselves Out)
622011-01-012:30On The Way To Cape May
612011-01-012:22Dance My Blues Away
602011-01-013:55I Don't Know Why
592011-01-013:38School Days
582011-01-013:09And Now I Win
572011-01-014:27Sweet Marie
562011-01-013:45Back To Philadelphia
552011-01-012:40My Hummingbird
542011-01-012:05All I Wanna Do Is Love You
532010-06-142:15Two Guitar Rag (instr.)
522010-06-142:06You're Sixteen
512010-06-142:13My Girl Josephine
502010-06-142:32I Fell Apart
492010-06-142:05Hey Good Lookin'
482010-06-143:01Crazy Girl
472010-06-142:09Cool Baby
462010-06-143:03Nickel And A Dime
452010-06-141:51Just Lookin'
442010-06-141:54Dressing Up
432010-06-142:15Movin' Down The Country
422010-06-142:08Rock The Joint
412010-06-141:57Wandering Eyes
402010-06-142:14My Babe
392010-06-141:48Just Because
382010-06-142:42A Heart Like A Rock
372010-06-141:58Gotta Travel On
362010-06-142:27I Got A Woman
3520092:55Wildwood Boogie 
3420092:20Honey Honey    
3320091:56You Got - A Heart Like A Rock
3120092:19Dressin’ Up
3020091:58Just Lookin’ 
292008-12-232:21Yea, Yea (I'm In Love With You)  
282008-12-231:01Ninety-Nine Ways
252007-01-092:18Dressin Up    
242007-01-092:27Wanderin Eyes   
232007-01-091:57Just Lookin  
222007-01-092:18Ninety Nine Ways       
212006-01-012:16I'm So Glad It's You    
202006-01-010:58Ninety-Nine Ways - Demo Version
192006-01-011:09Butterfly - Demo Version
172006-01-012:18Yea Yea (I'm In Love With You)
161953-06-282:06Baby You've Changed  
151953-06-281:39Cool Baby                  
141953-06-282:13I Looked for You  
131953-06-282:11Love Bird           
121953-06-282:12I Love You so Much It Hurts            
101953-06-282:18Ninety-Nine Ways        
91953-06-282:10Snuggle up Baby     
81953-06-282:27Crazy Girl              
61953-06-282:18Dressin' Up       
51953-06-281:56You Got a Heart Like a Rock           
41953-06-282:27Wanderin' Eyes            
21953-06-281:57Just Lookin'           
show track URIs
playlisted like








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